Animal Welfare Centre opens in Dar es Salaam
We are delighted to inform you that the Tanzania Animal Welfare Society (TAWESO) opened the doors to its Animal Welfare Centre in Dar es Salaam on Sunday 1st March when the Grand Opening took place.
Dr Thomas Kahema, our Ambassador in Tanzania and Executive Director of the organisation, welcomed the Guest of Honour, Dr Jane Goodall, the foremost known Chimpanzee Expert in the World and the UN Messenger of Peace.
About 200 hundred people attended the event which was attended by Internationals working in Dar es Salaam and also people from other animal welfare charities in Tanzania. The Head of the Animal Welfare Desk Officer from the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development was also there.
The Centre is a joint collaboration between TAWESO and Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots and will work in Dar es Salaam . It will conduct Programmes of Humane Education, Veterinary Clinic for Rescued Animals, Veterinary Outreach, Environment and in future Wildlife.
Media coverage in the Dar Post can be seen here