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Donkey Harness Workshop

Dear Friends 

I hope you are all doing well. It is about a month now after the very successful Harness Workshop took place in Tanzania. 

We hope all you delegates have been applying of the knowledge we acquired to your areas of work. Great to let you know that at TAWESO we are now doing Farmers Exhibitions, well known as Nane Nane which attracts all stakeholders in Agriculture and Livestock Industry. Frankly speaking the demonstration of the works using the Inflatable Donkeys (Toto Donkeys) have been so much  interesting and we are always surrounded by many people of all kinds  eagerly wanting to learn more about Donkey Welfare. Thank you so much the Donkey Sanctuary for providing us and all the delegates such a very useful and practical tool.                                      

Click here to read a brief report we wanted to share with you and it’s great that also the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries have posted the event on their blog, though it is in Swahili but the pictures always say more than words that you will be able to follow on the link here below: 


Again thank you and warm greetings from TAWESO 

Kind regards 

Dr Thomas W Kahema, Executive Director, Tanzania Animal Welfare Society

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