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Dr Andre Menache – Veterinarian

Dr Andre Menache is a veterinarian who has held significant posts in organisations aimed largely at ending vivisection, including Animal Aid UK and Antidote Europe and actively supports several grassroots organisations. 

“To all the campaigners out there, rest assured in the knowledge that the scientific argument against animal experiments is crushing. We have reached a tipping point where animal researchers can no longer hide the fact that their work constitutes scientific fraud. Take this message to your family, your friends, your local MP, your doctor, your dentist, your vet and your local media.”

Heed the words of Joseph Pullitzer:   
There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail.
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