2 x primary school educationals / Information Stand & Rehoming Drive & Veterinary Advice / Market Stall Fundraiser
Two educational events will be organized in Pancevo primary schools. One of them in primary school ‘Sveti Sava’ and another one in primary school ‘Branko Radicevic’. Students will have the chance to learn new things about the basic animal needs, about their protection and behavior- all of this trough a very interesting and interactive approach of our educators.-Set up promotional stand in the city center, where our volunteers will give away our promotional leaflets about the World Animal Day, about our present activities and about animal welfare and protection. Stand will be open on 4th October from 2PM- 7PM with participation of stuff from the public animal shelter. We will be rehoming abandoned animals (dog, cats, puppies and kittens), and our activists will give instructions about different animal welfare and protection issues. On this stand we will also have one veterinarian who will give advices about the animal needs and will conduct free examinations of animals. We will also collect signatures for the global petition �Animals matter to me� on this stand during the World Animal Day.-Printing T-shirts with funny animal prints and animal welfare slogans- in cooperation with art gallery �Elektrika�-Organizing animal welfare market in the city center. Our activist and volunteers will sell different used articles and artistic crafts at this special one- day market. Items will be collected from friends and supporters on Facebook and elsewhere. All funds collected this way will be used for buying food supplies and medicines for abandoned animals in local shelter.-All events and both World Animal Day will be fully covered by media in the City of Pancevo, and in different Serbian national media. Ivan Kurajov, World Animal Day Ambassador
- Organised by: Society for the Protection of Animals-LJUBIMCI