40 x Educational Events for Children Young People
SEYs focus on World Animal Day is on children and adolescents, and in enhancing their knowledge and understanding about animals. SEY approaches the issue by offering interesting and fun materials for schoolchildren about rodents and rabbits � the most typical first pet animals. The focus in materials is on animals� need to perform species-typical behaviour, enrichments and need of company of the same species. By this campaign SEY believes to achieve change in attitudes towards all animals and in peoples� behaviour in a long term. School materials have been a huge success: over 100 000, schoolchildren have already received their own materials to study at school in celebration of World Animal Day. SEYs 40 local branches around the country organize happenings on World Animal Day. Read more: http://www.sey.fi/ajankohtaista/elainten_viikolla_tapahtuu.html (in Finnish)
- Organised by: Finnish Fed. for Animal Welfare Assoc. (SEY)