Alternatives to animal testing
The conference ‘Alternatives to animal testing’ was the kick-off of the RE-Place project. The organisers wanted to present the aim and need of the project to scientists and researchers.
The aim of the project is to develop a database which gathers all information on alternatives to animal testing and to stimulate sharing of expertise, knowledge and skills.
During the conference several researchers presented their alternative method through their scientific project.
All the presentations are available (in Dutch) on the project’s website: www.re-place.be
- Contact Name: TT Chow
- Contact Number: 0499 593 666
- Contact Email: dierenwelzijn@vlaanderen.be
- Organised by: TT Chow
By sharing the knowledge on alternatives to animal testing, more researchers will by informed about the alternatives. The final aim is to reduce the number of animals used in research.