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Animal Blessing Mass for ALL animals of the World

On Sunday, October 2nd, 2011, at 9.30am the traditional ‘Animal Blessing’ will take place in the Parish of St Peter, Tungassingerstrae 23a 4020 Linz. Once again it will be possible for all animal owners from around the world to take part by sending a picture of their pet, along with its name, to our parish by mail or e-mail. We will post the pictures on a wall at our animal blessing and the pictured pets will be blessed as part of our ceremony. They will take part in our animal blessing from afar as we ask for God’s blessing on the intercession of St. Francis. A worldwide participation is therefore possible! Prayer and blessing know no boundaries and encompass the whole world! Due to numerous requests we will once again have a special section for pictures entitled: Thank you, little light! Pets, that have accompanied us for part of our path. There will be space for pictures of pets that have died, and that we want to lovingly remember especially on this day. Last year we received more than 1,000 pictures of pets from around the world with the request for prayer and blessing. Participation is naturally completely without cost! You can see pictures from the celebration of our animal blessing on our Homepage on or around October 4th. We would be very happy if you sent us a picture of your pet again this year and told your friends about our activity! With greetings and blessings from Linz-St. Peter Yours, Franz Zeiger, Parish Priest. Please send pictures by e-mail to: info@tierlichtblick.at Please address pictures to be sent by mail as follows: Pfarre Linz St. Peter Tungassingerstrae 23a 4020 Linz sterreich www.tierlichtblick.at www.dioezese-linz.at/linz-stpeter

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