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Animal Day Photo Contest and Survey

At the moment we are a very young participant of this magnificent project – the World Animal Day. Unfortunately because of this we didn’t have enough time to arrange any significant events this year, but we already have huge plans for the next year. Actually, we are going to make the World Animal Day to be all year round.


However we have managed to send official letters with support appeal to the local government representatives and local community groups, will keep you updated when we get the results. Meanwhile we have conducted a photo contest “Mister and Miss Autumn” among pet owners. 

Here are our winners: 

world animal day

world animal day

world animal day

world animal day

Thanks to this photo contest these two kittens found their new forever homes!


Also we have conducted a survey among our subscribers to see how each of them helps animals in their everyday life. We were very glad to see that most of them try to do their best not only to save the animals they see, but to change the world so that more animals would benefit from it. The first place among the variants of helping was feeding strays and promoting useful information about caring for animals. Thus we can see that even if people are not able to fulfill some difficult tasks or participate in huge projects, they can still do something good by just sharing a good advice or a piece of news that might reach another person who can actually take part directly. The second most popular answer was “spay/neuter stray cats and dogs and find new homes for them”. As our organization concentrates mostly on dogs and cats – this is mainly what all of our volunteers do and we are grateful to them for this.


Certainly this is just a beginning and we will do our best to change this world for better for all animals and people. Let’s take care of each other!

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