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Animal Welfare Symposium

Taiwan SPCA has teamed up with the Taipei City Animal Protection Office and Life Conservationist Association to hold an educational symposium targeted at University students, the government, and the general public. The first day will feature a full day of presentations by various speakers, followed by discussion. The second day will be a full day of smaller workshops.

Our speakers include animal welfare professors, officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Chief Officer Inspector from HK SPCA, Executive Director from Singapore SPCA, Executive Director from Taiwan SPCA, and Wildlife Campaigns Manager from HSI.

Our purpose for the symposium is for everyone who cares about the animal welfare issue in Taiwan to be able to talk, share ideas, and come up with solutions. We hope that by educating University students, we would ensure that there will be more active voices speaking up for animals in our future society.

The symposium will also feature special guests, including Taiwan SPCA’s campaign ambassadors.

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