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Awareness Stall

world animal dayThe stall was well received by the public who signed over 200 cards to send to the four largest charities which test on animals (Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, Parkinsons UK and the Alzheimers Society).  The public were unaware of what unnecessary cruelty their donations were funding and they have vowed not to donate again until the charities use humane testing methods which are now available.
world animal dayThe group also made a point of letting people know that adverse reactions in humans from taking drugs produced by animal testing is the fourth leading cause of death in the UK!
We also gave out wallet cards which listed the charities which test and those that don’t, along with information about alternative methods of testing.   

Free wallet cards and more information can be obtained from info@animalaid.org.uk or Tel: 01732 364546. 

Passive Pressure will be holding an Awareness Stall, to mark World Animal Day, outside the Metro Bank in Bromley (formally Evans) on Saturday 1st October from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm.  We will be raising awareness of alternatives to animal testing for medical research and promoting Dr Hadwen Trust, Safer Medicines Campaign, Uncaged and Naturewatch.  Jan Yarker, Passive Pressure.

If you live in the Bromley area and would like to get involved, please send World Animal Day an email and we’ll put you in touch with Jan.

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