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Bird Feeders for our School Garden!

The eighth grade students of “25. novembar” Public Elementary school in Velika Kladuša, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will celebrate World Animal Day by making diy bird feeders for the school garden. Winters can be hard for all animals, birds included, but by making bird food available during the cold months, we can help these lovely creatures! The event will be supervised by their teacher and WAD Ambassador for Bosnia and Herzegovina Ilhana Nowak.

How to help our aviary friends during winter? By building bird feeders, of course! The eighth grade students of “25. novembar” Public Elementary School in Velika Kladuša, Bosnia and Herzegovina, did just that on October 4 – World Animal Day. With the help of their class teacher and World Animal Day Ambassador for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mrs. Ilhana Nowak, they dedicated their forum class on October 4 to making a world a tiny bit better for the animals. Students brought items they already had at home, such as jars and empty plastic bottles, and with a little bit of tape, artistic flair and magic, the bird feeders were ready! As if the weather wanted to help this lovely activity, the students were greeted by the warm October sun and a great day outside to place their feeders on the trees of the school garden. In addition to the bird feeders, the students also provided their ideas on how to help animals and made a special poster for World Animal Day, which now hangs in the school hall and provides useful information to other students and the teaching staff.

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