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Bombardier Blue’s Children’s Painting Competition

The One o’Clock Gun & Time Ball Association was formed in 1998 to research the story of Edinburgh’s time service. The Association maintains a permanent exhibition on the Mills Mount Battery, Edinburgh Castle in partnership with Historic Scotland. The One o’Clock Gun is maintained by 105th Regiment Royal Artillery (Volunteers). Blue is the mascot of the One o’Clock Gun & Time Ball Association. Competition Age Sections: Infant Section 0-3 year olds; Section 1, 3-6 year olds; Section 2, 7-9 year olds; Section 3, 10-13 year olds; Section 4, 14 -17 year olds. Rules: Size A4 (210 mm x 298 mm) landscape or portrait, any medium acceptable-crayon, watercolour, felt tip, colour pencil, acrylic, computer generated artwork etc. Prizes: In addition to certificates of excellence, book tokens and art materials will be awarded to the winners. The entries will be judged by Edinburgh-based illustrator and children’s book author John Fardell. Entrant’s name, age, telephone number and school address must be printed in block capitals on the back of the artwork. Entries should be sent to the following address by 10th September 2011.

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