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Campaign against SOCO drilling oil in the Virunga national Park

As you would like to know, the Virunga national Park has been and continue to be victim of aggression from the Giant Oil and British Company called SOCO E&P. This company has violated int’l convention and domestic laws that forbid exploration and exploitation in Protected areas known as UNESCO natural Heritage.

Soco company has clearly violated int’l law with the support and collaboration of DR Congo authorities. They have provided certificates that allow SOCO to work in the Virunga Park and have been backing SOCO in several ways: this including providing military support to SOCO team during the seismic activities, mastering protesters who want to express their concern regarding SOCO activities, so far people are threatened and put in jail because of expressing view that opposes SOCO goals in the Virunga n’al Park.

But on the other hand, I want to share this Memo with you because your organization WWF and ACF (African Conservation Society) are Int’l ngo that SOCO sprl never like to hear about them, these two international organizations have been supporting local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in facing SOCO sprl strategies and awful plans.

The DR Congo Government is trying to control us before it controls our Virunga Park, but we wont give up our noble work. We need you to join, for saving lives.


Paul Lughembe

DR Congo Ambassador to the

World Animal Day (WAD) Project

Supported by Nature Watch.

S.E.A activities Coordinator in Goma

And the General Director ad interim of

E.S.T asbl in Goma (DR Congo)


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