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Celebrating World Animal Day,2016

AHPRA and its volunteers are highly committed to continue celebrating the WAD.As the 1st Ambassadors in Honduras,AHPRA has been part of this activity for several years to show the nice things we can do for all animals.

The activity was addressed to citizens in order to provide material(brochures, posters) about the Law on Animal and Welfare Protection which has been an important issue to treat in Honduras.Therefore,it was a good opportunity to lead a change raising awareness towards animal subjects.

Moreover,the active and dinamic participation of the volunteers who were very dedicated to the activities, conveyed to make this into a successful task.There was also supported by messages on banners like”Stop animal cruelty”,”No more animal abuse”,showing that we really care of animals in general.

AHPRA continues working on the behalf of animals and we are pasionate about provinding the best for animals.

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