Celebrations of the World Animal Day in Silesian Botanical Garden
Program of the celebrations of the World Animal Day in Silesian Botanical Garden 3-7 October
3 October Wednesday
16.00 -17.00
Popular scientific lecture “How does Forest Emergency Service work?”-Jacek Wąsiński from Forest Emergency Service in Mikołów.
4 October Thursday
Educational activities for organized groups “Animals from Silesian Botanical Garden”
5 October Friday
Scientific seminar “How to educate about animals?”
6 October Saturday
13.30, 14.30
Touring Sośnia Hill with guide
7 October Sunday
Place of Educational Games “Me and my animals”
14:30, 15:30, 16:30
Touring Sośnia Hill with guide
”Do you know whereI live?” – animal and their homes
“How to effectivelyhelp thewingedhumanallies?” – lecture, dr Jan Duda and presentation of productsat a specialexhibition
“Sticks pets” – workshop for Animals funs
Workshop for young and adult ones “What squeaks… next to us?”-stalking in the discovery of animals – inhabitants of Botanical Garden-Dorota Milewska-cropsand plant protection specialist.
Field Playing for children and adolescents “Animal puns”
NOTE ADOPTION! During the celebration of World Animal Day (07.10.) Silesian Botanical Garden and the Foundation for Animal SOS organizes the adoption of their charges.
- Organised by: Silesial Botanical Garden