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Concert for animals – Music school “Jovan Bandur” Pancevo :: Humanitarni koncert učenika MŠ “Jovan Bandur”

U okviru proslave Svetskog dana životinja 13.oktobra u 18:30 održan je humanitarni- multimedijalni koncert klase spec. prof. Marije Ligeti Balint i prof. Ljiljane Radosavljević sa gostima iznenađenja. Koncert je održan u sali ove ustanove koja se nalazi na “Korzou” preko puta Kulturnog centra Pančeva, sa specijalnim programom koji je inspirisan upravo životinjama. Na programu će biti dela D. Kabalevskog, E. Griga, F. Lista, K. Sen Sansa, Biljane Krstić i drugih autora.
Ulaz na koncert bio je besplatan, a posetioci su svojim prilozima u hrani i novcu ostavljali na ulazu u salu i na taj način su bili u prilici da pomognu napuštenim životinjama o kojima brine organizacija Društvo Prijatelja Životinja “Ljubimci” . Sala je bila tesna da primi sve zainteresovane posetioce!

During the celebration of the World Animal Day on October 13th, at 6:30 pm, a humanitarian multimedia concert of the spec. class prof. Marija Ligeti Balint and prof. Ljiljana Radosavljevic took place. The concert was held in the hall of this institution located at “Korzo” opposite the Cultural Center Pančevo, with a special program that is inspired by animals- together with guests of surprise. The program consisted of compositions of  D. Kabalevski, E. Griga, F. List, K. Sen Sansa, Biljana Krstic and other authors.
The entrance to the concert was free, and the visitors left their donations at the entrance to the hall, and in that way, they were able to help the abandoned animals that the LJUBIMCI SPA cares about. The music hall was too tight to accommodate all interested visitors!



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