All Creatures Great and Small-Animal Blessing and Holy Communion
On Wednesday 5 October, Trinity College Melbourne celebrated World Animal Day and St Francis’ Day with a Blessing of the Animals service, held on the College green. The Venerable John Davis, Archdeacon of Wangaratta and a tertiary member of the Order of St Francis, the patron saint of animals, returned to Trinity as a guest preacher, addressing members of the College, the University of Melbourne and the local Parkville community.
Trinity College Chaplain, the Revd Dr Andreas Loewe, said the Blessing of the Animals service was a wonderful day in the Chapel calendar.
‘The Student Chapel Committee initiated the service three years ago as a means of bringing the College and Parkville communities together; the Committee wanted to encourage people to experience a different style of church and also find a way to honour God’s animal creations,’ Andreas said.
‘Different groups of people-students, adults, children and their pets, of course-are able to see what church entails in an informal and colourful service that reminds us that God is not only here for human beings, but for animals too.
‘We were delighted to be joined by the World Animal Day Australian Ambassador, Ms Pam Ahern, from Edgar’s Mission, accompanied by Polly the pig, Timmy the sheep and Ryan the goat.’
With all good wishes, Andreas Loewe, College Chaplain and Gavan Lecturer in Theology, Trinity College, The Unversity of Melbourne.
- Organised by: Trinity College Chapel, University of Melbourne