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Dog Walk, Dog Cocktail Reception, Vegan Lunch & Dinner, Pet Adoption Fair, Cinema

We are organizing a whole host of events in celebration of World Animal Day on 9th October: 10am-12pm-Dog Walk around the historic cityh of Sao Paulo. Meet at 10am in front of Matilha Cultural. All dogs must be on leads. 12-1pm-Cocktail Reception for dogs: food and water freely available in a space reserved especially for them. Restaurant Massa Amiga Vegana 12-8pm-Have lunch and dinner with us. We will serve tasty pasta dishes with music therapy sounds in the background. Dog and Cat Adoption Fair 12-8pm. Dog Adoption Fair-all animals arae neutered, vaccinated and identified. Cinema Matilha 12-8pm-animal-themed cinema sessions for children and adults. R$3 entry or advance purchase R$20 includes entry and 3 bingo cards for master prize. Matilha Cultural, Rua Rego Freitas 542-Centro-Opposite Roosevelt Square, Consolacao Church, Sao Paulo. Mor more information: 11 29170257 / 11 77661560 / 1132562636 email: contato@naturezaemforma.org.br It will be a wonderful party, which is being organized by the Association Natureza em Forma (www.naturezaemforma.org.br /centrodeadocao) an animal protection NGO in partnership with Matilha Cultural an independent house of culture that supports the cause of animal (www.matilhacultural.com.br). We send you the event in 2009 Circuit Cultural Animal, I hope you remenber. We appreciate the opportunity and congratulate him on his work. Best regards, Angélica Perez 11-2917-0257 / 7766-1560 angelica@naturezaemforma.org.br www.naturezaemforma.org.br/centrodeadocao

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