Edinburgh WAD17
World Animal Day will be celebrated at one o’clock as the time gun fires from Edinburgh Castle. The ceremony, attended by Deidre Brock MP, will be held at the Giraffes Sculptures, Omni Centre, Greenside Row, top of Leith Walk, Edinburgh. Scotland will be represented by the mounted police. In addition to South African rock star Shaun Morgan, world champion piper Jennifer Hutcheon will be playing at the event. If you love animals and rock and you live in the Edinburgh area, please come along and join us at 12.45 to celebrate this unique event. Edinburgh WAD17 is sponsored by the Tony Macaroni restaurant chain.
- Contact Name: George Robinson
- Contact Number: 7984316545
- Contact Email: george.e.robinson@btinternet.com
- Location: Edinburgh
- Organised by: Stewart Wilson