Educational Event
As a Serbian group for the promotion of animal rights and animal protection, we would like to participate in World Animal Day. Our group, which monitors animal welfare and protection of nature, is part of the Novi Sad Humanitarian Center. The Center has had a reputable status in the community for more than ten years. It’s a non-profitable, charitable organization which contributes to creating a humane society by providing support for the vulnerable and marginalized groups and encouraging civil activism, research and education. Our main mission is to promote adoption of animals and education about animal welfare and animal rights. This year on World Animal Day we will man an information stand in the center of Novi Sad and distribute information to the public about animal adoption and animal welfare. We will also sell T-shirts, cups, hats, bags and posters with educational and ethically correct messages about animal protection to remind people every day. You can find more about our work here: www.nshc.org.rs and http://zastitazivotinja.nshc.org.rs/index.htm Maja Vuckovic, Coordinator of the Group.
- Organised by: Novisad Humanitarian Center.