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Educational Programme

We are so proud to admit, that on this wonderful day we are celebrating the fact that we are a welfare veterinary health care service provider with a difference-(we are very much like a welfare hospital for people) -the difference being that our clients, are animals whose owners cannot afford private veterinary healthcare. We do not receive any government subsidy, so we are completely dependant on regular fundraising events. We strongly emphasize and insist on the sterilization of animals-to prevent unwanted litters and to improve the health of the adult animal-we sterilize animals on a daily basis in each of our hospitals and undertake spay campaigns in areas that are not serviced by welfare veterinary service organizations. We treat at least 235 000 companion animals each year. Without our intervention these animals would not have received any veterinary treatment. We also realize that many people still adopt a pet for all the wrong reasons creating very unpleasant situations on occasion. We will be hosting an educational programme at the Woodstock Library on the 4th October 2011. Everyone is invited to come and join us at no charge. We will be concentrating on topics such as: The care of the animal; Mans best friend; Sterilisation; Abuse of animals and how it can be prevented. We will also have a time of questions and answers. We intend to make it a fun event….. The audience will be all ages, and the language will be English. We look forward to all attending. Melanie Daniels-Fundraising and Marketing Manager, People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (SA), Email: mdaniels@pdsa.org.za Website: www.pdsa.org.za Tel: 021-638 5134/5 Fax: 021-638 4096

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