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Ekolibrijum ehxibition in gallery “Bata Mihailovic ” in Pancevo

The beauty and diversity of living beings have always been an inspiration to artists. On this occasion, a group of artists gathered around the idea to mark the World Animal Day, thereby contributing to greater affection and responsibility, as well as awareness that we are not alone on the planet, but that we are sharing it with these wonderful creatures. Among the exhibitors, works of painters, sculptors, graphic artists, and artists of multimedia art will be found at this event. The works are thematic and support the concern and the need for the protection of animals, as well as nature in general, which is also the program of the Society for the Protection of Animals and Nature Ekolibrijum. Our fellow citizen Svetlana Karović Deranić participates in the organization of the event- her sculpture “Leo” is set up in the National Garden, made in cooperation with members of organizations. “Ekolibrijum” strives to promote public awareness in relation to abandoned animals, as well as to draw attention to the need for conservation of nature.



Lepota i raznovrsnost živih bića oduvek su bili inspiracija umetnicima. Ovom prilikom grupa umetnika okupila se oko ideje da obeleži Svetski dan zaštite životinja i time doprinese većoj naklonosti i odgovornosti, kao i svesti da nismo sami na planeti, već da je delimo s tim divnim stvorenjima. Među izlagačima naći će se dela slikara, vajara, grafičara, kao i umetnika multimedijalne umetnosti. Radovi su tematski i podržavaju brigu i potrebu za zaštitom životinja, kao i prirode uopšte, što je inače i program Udruženja „Ekolibrijum”. U organizaciji događaja učestvuje i naša sugrađanka Svetlana Karović Deranić, čija je skulptura „Leo” postavlјena u Narodnoj bašti, a plod je saradnje sa članovima udruženja. Udruženje „Ekolibrijum” svojim akcijama nastoji da unapredi svest javnosti u odnosu na napuštene životinje, kao i da skrene pažnju na potrebu očuvanja prirode.

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