Elephants Like To Party, Too!
We are Elephanatics, an elephant advocacy organization in Vancouver. Our mission is to raise awareness of the poaching crisis in Africa and the unethical tourism trade in Asia.
We strive to educate people through various mediums of outreach. The last four years we hosted the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos. This year we are hosting a burger and beer fundraiser at Library Square Public House. It’s a fun night where you can eat, drink, socialize and help save elephants!
Your ticket will include a burger, a beer and a donation. 100% of the net money raised will be sent to the Mara Elephant Project in Kenya. The project uses anti-poaching rangers, the collaring and monitoring of elephants, and the separation of farmers and elephants to save and protect African elephants from extinction. There will also be a fabulous silent auction for you to bid on and some light entertainment.
Please invite your friends, family and anyone who loves elephants to help support a good cause and have a good time doing so! You will help stop the death of up to 20,000 elephants every year in Africa.
Thank you for checking us out. We look forward to seeing you in October!
- Contact Name: Fran Duthie
- Contact Number: 6048977614
- Contact Email: elephanaticsinfo@gmail.com
- Location: Surrey
- Organised by: Fran Duthie
What a huge success!
“Elephants Like to Party Too!” Pub Night raised $6,000 for the Mara Elephant Project in Kenya! We didn’t dream of raising that amount so thank you. Our volunteers were amazing – thank you to Carol-Ann, Brian, Lorne, Eva, Chelsey, Linda, Lauren, Stacy, Janice, Susan and Emmalee Ronse Jade Evangelisto. Thanks also to our silent auction sponsors – LUSH Cosmetics Vancouver – West 4th Avenue, Garry Ho, White Spot Restaurants in Grandview Heights, Carol-Ann & Brian Kunimoto, Mehndi & More Body Art, Dave & Tessa Vanderkop, Elephant Garden Creamery, Susan Thomas (sueshues.ca), Twin Sails Brewing, Fran & Lorne Duthie, Library Square Public House, ECM Espresso Coffee Machines Co., FlyOver Canada and Ziptrek Ecotours Inc. Our appreciation also goes out to Sam and his crew at Library Square Public House for being the ultimate hosts.