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Essay Competition on Animal Welfare

In celebration of World Animal Day the Bangladesh Society for Protection of Animals, in conjunction with the Chittagong Veterinary & Animal Sciences University and One Health are organising an Essay Competition. Essay title: Role of Veterinarians in Promoting Animal Welfare in Bangladesh with an emphasis on: animal welfare in the world; situation in Bangladesh; role of Veterinarian. Eligibility: All undergraduate students studying Veterinary Science in Bangladesh. Criteria: Essay should be written in English, printed on A4 paper using the font ‘Times New Roman’ (size 12). Essay length: a maximum of 1000 words. Printed or email submissions should be made before 25 September, 2011 to Dr. Shahneaz Ali Khan (shahneaz@conservationmedicine.org) or Md. Nurul Islam (nurul.dvm@gmai.com).

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