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Ethiopia marks World Animal Day


Ethiopia marked World Animal Day on a huge scale this year and SPANA was thrilled to be part of the celebrations.  


In the city of Bishoftu, cart horses and donkeys were given free food, hoof trimming, deworming, and other veterinary treatments thanks to the College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture at Addis Ababa University. The event also helped to raise awareness of animal welfare, with talks about SPANA’s veterinary work and speeches given by university staff. Five schoolchildren who attend SPANA’s animal clubs were invited to the event and recited some great animal poems they had written describing the work that SPANA does alleviating the suffering of horses in Ethiopia and equines all over the world.


In Hawassa, the Ministry of Agriculture, along with SPANA the Brooke and the Donkey Sanctuary jointly sponsored a march through the city to promote animal welfare. Children from animal clubs, scouts, parliamentary guests and representatives from the Food and Agricultural Organisation of Ethiopia took part in the march and chanted animal welfare songs. Following the procession SPANA gave out prizes in the World Animal Day poetry and art competition.


The main focus of World Animal Day was equines and the march attracted real interest from local press, who covered it on regional radio and local television news. It was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness about animal welfare amongst local communities. We are already looking forward to celebrating it in 2013! 

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