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Global March for Elephants and Rhinos – Vancouver


Global Walk for Elephants |Vancouver 2017

Hi everyone and especially Vancouverites,

Elephanatics is once again hosting the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos on September 30th | 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm at Creekside Park |1455 Quebec Street | Vancouver. Find out more about the details of the event here.

Every 15 minutes an elephant is killed for its ivory. Every 8 hours a rhino is poached for its horn. Conservationists estimate that elephants will be extinct in the wild within 10 to 20 years. Several species of rhino have already become extinct. Closing loopholes in global markets and decreasing demand for ivory and rhino horn is essential if these species are to survive.


The focus for this year’s event is on advocacy. Many people ask what Canadians have to do with African elephants. Well, it turns out quite a bit.

Canada was one of only four countries that voted against all countries closing their domestic ivory trade during the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress. At the 17th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES, Canada voted against moving all African elephants to Appendix I to provide them the highest level of protection. In recent years, Canada has been the sole country to issue blanket reservations on all new CITES listings, and has failed to lift those reservations in a timely manner. These inexplicable positions put the Canadian government at odds with a growing international movement to save the African elephant from extinction.

Find out how you can become involved in saving one of the world’s most iconic, essential and beautiful species

While we take what we do seriously we also like to have some fun so there will be face-painting, music, cool people who like to make a difference and some awesome t-shirts for sale to help raise money for frontline conservation work in Africa.

T-shirts for this year’s march.
world animal day

Posters! – Please share:)
world animal day

Thanks and we hope to see you there! 

Fran Duthie 

President / Elephanatics – www.elephanatics.org

Twitter – @elephanaticsBC

Instagram – elephanaticsBC

elephanatics facebook.com

LinkedIn  Fran Duthie

Vancouver BC 2017 Global March for Elephants and Rhinos was a success!

There are still t shirts to be purchased if you want to buy one.

Please contact us at: elephanaticsinfo@gmail.com to support our cause.

The elephants will trumpet!!



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