Great or Small, Love Them All
We delivered an important message to children and families around our community via childcare services in Melbourne. Children get involved in different age groups they will be participating in the service. By drawing their favourite animals as signatures to stand for animal rights, and teaching ways how to spread kindness.
Share their snapped pictures or drawing sheets with the World Animals Day Logo on the community communication platform.
For the event, we would like to set up the WAD flag area at the entry doorway. All teachers also will set up a teaching lesson plan for children on this special day and make the big step towards supporting World Animals Day as a service event. We were all involved on October 4.
Use #BeKindness#GreatorSmall#LoveThem All#AnimalAdvocates#StandForAnimalsRights on social media for their pictures to be @worldanimalsday
- Contact Name: Little Learners Camberwell
- Contact Number: 0398040607
- Contact Email:
- Location: Australia, Victoria
- Organised by: Little learners Camberwell