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Historic Mass with animals in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Celebrating World Animal Day, as it coincides with Saint Francis of Asisi Day, animals were blessed inside the Church-Catedral Metropolitana de Cochabamba – and outside as well, because there were so many people who brought in their animals-cats, dogs, parakeets, turtles, bunnies, etc.

This was an historic event as it was the first time a “Mass for Animals” ever took place in a major Catholic Church in Bolivia, with the approval of the Bishop of Cochabamba.

“God loves animals, they are part of His Creation. They were at the Birth of Jesus and we must be aware of their well-being and protect them from the dangers and help them, because they are our comrades.”, Father Marcelo Barzán who conducted the Mass was quoted as saying.

All in all, it was a beautiful and very uplifting WAD event, to watch all the people’s and children’s happy faces, as they paraded their blessed animals.

world animal day world animal day
Father Marcelo Barzán blesses another dog Liliana Téllez with WAD logo by the altar of St. Francis of Asisi, patron of animals

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