Interspecies Justice | The Planet and its inhabitants
In today’s highly interconnected world, the health of humans, the environment, and animals are deeply intertwined. Recognizing these vital connections, we propose a series of educational sessions to examine the complex intersections between human, environmental, and animal health, with a focus on often-overlooked areas such as climate change, food security, domestic violence, and zoonotic disease outbreaks. This session aims to provide the Pakistani audience with a comprehensive understanding of how public health, environmental degradation, agricultural practices, and the treatment of animals affect individual well-being as well as broader ecological and societal systems.
- Contact Name: Altamush Saeed
- Contact Number: 00923014555131
- Contact Email:
- Location: Lahore, Pakistan
- Organised by: Charity Doings Foundation, Environmental and Animal Rights Consultants in collaboration with WWF Pakistan, Virsapur and Lahore University of Management Sciences Center for Business and Society