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“Living Library”

An event called “Living Library” was held on November 7, 2015 at Prva osnovna skola in Velika Kladusa, as part of the “Tolerance Month” which is commemorated in several Bosnian-Herzegovinian cities, and in Velika Kladusa too. The books in the “Living Library” are people who are members of groups which are often the targets of prejudice and stereotypes, and as such the victims of discrimination, and they are being read by “readers” who listen to their authentic life stories and with that chance open their own horizons of tolerance and acceptance. Besides books such as “How I defeated drugs”, “I’m a friar”, and “My child has cancer”, in the “Living Library” there was also the representative of the local animal protection society and World Animal Day Ambassador for Bosnia and Herzegovina Ilhana Škrgić, who was the book under the title “I’m a vegan and animal protector”.

After the event, Ilhana said the following: “After I received the call to join ‘Living Library’, I wondered how exactly will I represent this way of life and principles that I care most about. However, as the ‘reading’ began, I started to see that my readers are very interested to find out more on my diet, as well as ways of taking care of animals and the fight for animal rights that we promote inside ‘Warm Paw’ and the World Animal Day Initiative. I’m extremely grateful to the organizers for inviting me to participate in this unique citizen meeting, and I hope that we’ve started a long cooperation in the domain of raising awareness and compassion towards animals.

“Living Library” was held as part of the project “Dialogue for the Future”, and besides Prva osnovna skola, this event was co-organised by the local organisations for the promotion of tolerance and culture.



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