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Mega Spay Project for World Animal Day

Three mega spay blitzes will take place in October for World Animal Day. 

October 2-3, 2021.  With our new chapter SPAY/COCLE we aim to spay/neuter 600 animals in La Pintada, Cocle, about three hours from Panama City. 

October 16-17, 2021.  With our chapter SPAY/CHITRE we aim to spay/neuter 600 animals in Chitre, Herrera, about four hours from Panama City.

October 30-31, 2021.  With the residents, the local authority and Mailboxes Coronado we aim to spay/neuter 600 animals in Gorgona, Chame, about two hours from Panama City.

Volunteers are welcomed, please write to doctor@spaypanama.org



The total spay/neuters for World Animal Day exceeded the goal of 1,800 by about 12%, a total of 2,011 were sterilized in the communities:  La Pintada, Cocle 735 animals; Chitre, Herrera 685 animals; and Las Lajas, Coronado 591 animals.  Over 200 volunteers came together to make a difference.  The local authorities and health officials also participated to make the events a success following the biosecurity measures

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