Microhip Event / Awareness Stalls / Dog Show
L’Arca della Valle is organising the first ever World Animal Day celebration to take place in this area. Unfortunately, World Animal Day is not well known in this part of the world-but we are going to change that! Saturday 1st October from 10.30-12.30 in the Piazza IV Novembre. Gazebo-Ark Valley / ASL Information about neutering cats and microchipping. 14.00-18.00 Animal-related organizations such as Anpana, OIPA, LAV will man stalls to raise awareness of their work and to fundraise. Barga-Sunday 2nd October-Enjoy a drink or lunch with your dog at bars and restaurants that have joined our initiative. In the afternoon from 14.30-17.30 thre will be a dogs show. For more information please contact Sonia Ercolini-email: arcadellavalle@virgilio.it or telephone 347 89478311 website: www.arcadellavalle.it
- Organised by: L'Arca della Valle (Ark of the Valley)