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Overview of Events

Holding up to 4 meetings with Animal Welfare Advocacy Groups to entice and sensitize them take the lead in the WAD; Tanzania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TSPCA) was chosen and agreed to be the lynch-pin and shall use the opportunity to launch its Corporate Strategic Plan & Website; The Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Development (MLFD) Hon. David Mathayo David (MP) himself a Veterinarian has accepted invitation to bless the WAD as the Guest of Honour. This shall be the greatest achievement of WAD Events since they started in Tanzania. The Minister shall be accompanied with national , regional and municipal officials and the event definitely shall be colourful; TSPCA during and after the D-Day shall also undertake similar activities in and around Dar-es Salaam; I wrote a memo to the Director of Veterinary Services to extend and include as World Animal Day activities the activities being conducted during the World Rabies Week (28th September to 4th October) and has agreed; I also wrote emails and posted in the Facebook-Calls for World Animal Day observation with pictures depicting use of animals in transportation; Goat Races Tanzania was approached to extend their Goats Race Day-the last Saturday of September to the World Animal Day-D-Day and had in principle agreed but due to short notice will consider it next year. Theirs is a Charity event geared towards Community Development Support; Regional Administration Secretariats, Local Government Authorities and Up-country Animal Welfare Groups have been approached in writing also to hold some events in honour of the Animals in their respective areas; TAPO will be in Shinyanga with Donkeys demonstrating the best ways of using them in transportation with animal welfare concerns in mind; A Sensitization Workshop on the Animal Welfare Act Cap 154 (No 19 of 2008) and its 4 Regulations will be held on the 3rd of October 2011 as part of the WAD event with the target group being the Police, Court Magistrates and AW Inspectors. Resource person shall be drawn from the AW Advisory Council and the State Attorney to the Ministry; Radio and TV Talk Show together with a Press Conference whereof the Minister shall answer some questions from the Press will add spice to the events-WSPA and the Ministry will sponsor and facilitate; School Children, Teachers , Artist and Popular TV Presenters have been invited to colour the event as well as a local musical band to attract more audience at the Mnazi Mmoja Grounds has been committed. Dr. Mohammed M.Bahari WAD Ambassador Tanzania Mainland Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries Development Animal Welfare, Livestock Identification and Traceability Desk

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