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Due to the government’s lack in the implementation of the Animal Welfare Laws, we will protest and demand the following:


  1. Prosecution and punishment of civilians who abuse animals
  2. civilians who abandontheir pets/animals
  3. those who destroy community feeding/watering stations of community and housing of animals (cat colonies & others)
  4. we demand animal abuse to be considered a felony
  5. creation of a special unit of inspectors withn the government veterinary services to:                                                         (a) Oversea the implementation of the Animal Welfare Law                                                                                               (b)  to enforce EU Directivesas well as Cyprus Animal Welfare Laws for animals (farm animals, slaughter houses, pet animals or any other animals in any other place)
  6. Protest will take place on the 1st October outside the Presidential Palace, Nicosia at 17:00hrs  
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