68 Schools participate in World Animal Day
Make A Pledge/Schools Celebration/Shopping Centre Event/Photography Contest-A magnificent total of 68 schools across Hong Kong responded to our World Animal Day Programme circular, asking their pupils to take voluntary pledges, expressing their concern and respect for animals! The pledges included: To be kind to animals and treat them all with respect; To take good care of their pets and companion animals; To always be aware of what they eat and respect where it comes from; To never wear fur; and, To not to eat sharks fin. Image above: A public induction of new SPCA Cadet Inspectors.
A fantastic total of 33,548 children from the 68 schools signed these pledges! For those students and teachers who did so they received a SPCA pin to wear on World Animal Day, indicating their respect and concern for animals.
Encouragingly, many of the schools also put on their own events and activities to mark World Animal Day. Amongst these, the HKTA Yuen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary School hosted a “Bring your pet” day, while Mu Kuang English School broadcasted an animal welfare message in their school radio programme; HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School held a photography competition of people and animals; and HKMA K S Lo College invited the World Animal Day Ambassador, Sandy Macalister, to talk about animal welfare.
A stage Road Show was held in a shopping centre in Lok Fu, Kowloon, with various guest speakers on animal welfare and a public induction ceremony for 31 new Cadet Inspectors, part of the SPCA’s Cadet Inspector Programme. Image left: Sharon Kwok, Cadet Inspector Ambassador speaking at the WAD Road Show.
The scheme which has over 81 Cadets, teaches young people about a wide range of animal issues and allows them to participate in a range of animal events and activities, including shadowing our Inspectors during actual animal rescue. Image below: A Principal checks a student’s pin.
Finally, a World Animal Day Photographic Competition was also launched, culminating in the final judging in November. Over 3,000 animal themed entries were received, all competing for the Digital Nikon Camera First Prize!
Sandy Macalister, Executive Director, Hong Kong SPCA and World Animal Day Ambassador.
- Organised by: SPCA Hong Kong