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Protest ispred suda i tužilaštva povodom Svjetskog dana životinja – Protest in front of the state court and prosecutor’s office on the World Animal Day

Povodom Svjetskog dana životinja, 4. oktobra, više udruženja i aktivista za dobrobit životinja, okupilo se ispred zgrade Osnovnog suda i Osnovnog državnog tužilaštva u Podgorici kako bi iskazali nezadovoljstvo radom pravosuđa u slučajevima mučenja i ubijanja životinja.

Mirnim protestom su poručili nadležnim institucijama da se probude i da oštrijim i primjerenijim kaznama osude počinioce ovih djela. Smatraju da dosadašnja praksa tužilaštva pokazuje da se uglavnom primijenjuje institut odloženog krivičnog gonjenja, a suda da uslovno kažnjava. Podsjetili su da je rad pravosuđa jedne zemlje od velike važnosti za cjelokupnu vladavinu prava, te da životinje nemaju pravo na advokate.

Izvor i Foto: www.dan.co.me


On the occasion of World Animal Day, on 4 October, several animal welfare associations and activists gathered in front of the building of the Basic Court and the Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Podgorica to express dissatisfaction with the work of the judiciary in cases of torture and killing of animals.

With a peaceful protest, they instructed the competent institutions to wake up and to condemn the perpetrators of these acts with harsher and more appropriate punishments. They consider that the current practice of the prosecution shows that the institute of deferred prosecution is generally applied and the court conditional on punishment. They reminded that the work of the judiciary of one country is of great importance for the overall rule of law and that animals are not entitled to lawyers.

Source and Photo: www.dan.co.me

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