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Raising awareness of animal welfare & responsible pet ownership in Montenegro & Serbia

Project “KNOWLEDGE TO ANIMAL WELFARE AND RESPONSIBLE OWNERSHIP” was undertaken on the whole territory of the state of Montenegro, and society for the protection of animals- Podgorica was the organizer and the host of undertaken events (educational workshops).

This project was financially supported by UBHVFP Montenegro (State Veterinary directorate of Montenegro).

The main lecturer was Ivan Kurajov, president of “Ljubimci” society for the protection of animals from Pancevo, Serbia and World Animal Day Ambassador for Serbia.

The workshops were attended by representatives from 22 municipalities and cities from Montenegro. Regional workshops were held with the participation of representatives of local self-government bodies, communal police, inspection bodies, non-governmental organizations, and animal protection activists.

RTVCG1 – state TV channel hosted two ambassadors of the World Animal Day in a unique morning show where they presented the World Animal Day and the project and workshops.

Society for the protection of animals- Podgorica also published the “MANUAL FOR HUMAN MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE POPULATION OF ABANDONED ANIMALS”.

As part of the regional workshops, a tour of 6 shelters was conducted, in order to gain insight into the situation on the ground immediately before the workshops and in direct contact with employees and officials in these institutions to convey proposals for improving work, procedures, and conditions. in which the animals reside.


Project “KNOWLEDGE TO ANIMAL WELFARE AND RESPONSIBLE OWNERSHIP” was undertaken on the whole territory of the state of Montenegro, and society for the protection of animals- Podgorica was the organizer and the host of undertaken events (educational workshops).

This project was financially supported by UBHVFP (State Veterinary directorate of Montenegro). 

The main lecturer was Ivan Kurajov, president of “Ljubimci” society for the protection of animals from Pancevo, Serbia and World Animal Day Ambassador for Serbia. The workshops were attended by representatives from 22 municipalities and cities from Montenegro. Regional workshops were held with the participation of representatives of local self-government bodies, communal police, inspection bodies, non-governmental organizations, and animal protection activists.

RTVCG1 – state TV channel hosted two ambassadors of the World Animal Day in a unique morning show where they presented the World Animal Day and the project and workshops.

Society for the protection of animals- Podgorica also published the “MANUAL FOR HUMAN MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF THE POPULATION OF ABANDONED ANIMALS”.

As part of the regional workshops, a tour of 6 shelters was conducted, in order to gain insight into the situation on the ground immediately before the workshops and in direct contact with employees and officials in these institutions to convey proposals for improving work, procedures, and conditions. in which the animals reside.


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