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Readathon of Future

Readathon of Future

This reading marathon encourages the participants to search for readings about sustainable development and to remember why the balance in nature is priceless. For this purpose, three reading challenges have been prepared, and everyone is free to choose between fiction and non-fiction.
Reading Challenges:

1. Through waters and forests
A book about the animal world (can also be in an urban environment)
2. Me and the sea
A book about sea animals
3. The Frozen Kingdom
A book about icy deserts or climate change
Optional bonus task: A book by a Bulgarian author related to the animal world (fiction or non-fiction)
Event format:
– Each participant chooses books according to the set challenges.
– Reading period: 4 – 15 October 2023
– The goal is for each participant to read at least two books in this period.
– One book can perform one task at a time.

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