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Roar for Tony the tiger & captive big cats in the US!

People all over the world have become aware of the serious issue of captive tigers and big cats in the United States because of a very special tiger named Tony who has lived all of his seventeen years as a roadside attraction at a truck stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana USA.  It is now estimated that close to 3,900 tigers remain in the wild, up from the previous estimate of as few as 3,200 in 2010…but in the United States, estimates  range from 5,000-10,000 privately owned tigers!

Tony has been featured in the NY Times, Smithsonian Magazine, The Guardian, The Dodo, One Green Planet, and was the subject of a watercolor portrait exhibited in a New Jersey public library.

Anyone who has followed Tony’s story has experienced both its’ highs and lows. Hard fought victories in court by the Animal Legal Defense Fund found the permit issued by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries was illegal and revoked; LDWF was blocked from issuing a new permit. Each victory was met with an appeal by Tony’s owner, Michael Sandlin, and subsequently each appeal was denied.

A timeline of Tony’s case can be viewed at this link: http://aldf.org/cases-campaigns/timelines/tony-the-tiger/

After exhausting all of his options via the courts, Mr. Sandlin enlisted his state Senator, Rick Ward, to propose a bill, SB 250, to exempt himself from Louisiana state law banning private ownership of big cats. The legislation was passed by the Louisiana Legislature and signed by Gov. Bobby Jindal. The Animal Legal Defense Fund continues their legal battle for Tony’s release to a reputable big cat sanctuary. See ALDF’s feature page for Tony: aldf.org/tony

How You Can Help Tony:

Tiny Tigers For Tony via ALDF:

Felines, big and small, deserve protection—and now your tiny tiger can help raise awareness and build support for Tony the tiger.

Tony, a Siberian-Bengal tiger, has endured more than a decade of misery at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. Living at an isolated gas station parking lot, with the stench of fuel and the drone of diesel engines, is harmful to an animal with such sensitive hearing and an acute sense of smell. The Animal Legal Defense Fund has been fighting for Tony for seven years, and we are waiting for a court decision that could final grant Tony his freedom to be relocated to a reputable sanctuary, where he can live out the rest of his life getting the veterinary care and environment he deserves.

To participate, simply print out the “Free Tony” sign, snap a photo of your tiny tiger with the sign, and post it on social media with the hashtag #TinyTigers4Tony.

Click below for either the color or black and white image to print your sign!

Color: http://aldf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ALDF-Tiny-Tigers-4-Tony-Color.pdf

Black and White: http://aldf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ALDF-Tiny-Tigers-4-Tony-BW.pdf

Don’t forget to tag us so we can share your photo with our supporters.

Instagram: @animallegaldefensefund
Facebook: @animallegaldefensefund
Twitter: @aldf

Get Social With Tony:

Tony has become the “Ambassador” for captive U.S.  tigers and has raised awareness to this serious issue globally through social media.

Join ~ Follow ~ Share these social networking sites for Tony

Facebook: facebook.com/FreeTonyTheTiger


Instagram: @tonythetruckstoptiger

Youtube: youtube.com/user/FreeTonyTheTiger

WordPress: freetonythetiger.wordpress.com/

If you visit Tony, document your visit with pictures and/or video and please share them. Send us a tweet via Twitter or email: tonythetruckstoptiger2016@gmail.com

Thanks to the following sanctuaries for their standing offers of a home for Tony:

Big Cat Rescue – Tampa, FL
The Wildcat Sanctuary – Sandstone, MN
The Wild Animal Sanctuary – Keenesburg, CO

We truly appreciate everyone’s dedication to Tony and your positive support for his release to a reputable big cat sanctuary, please continue to share his story, petitions, engage on social media and Keep Roaring For Tony!

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