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Roar for Tony and all captive big cats on World Animal Day

People all over the world have become aware of the serious issue of captive tigers and big cats in the United States because of a very special tiger named Tony who has lived all of his fifteen years as a roadside attraction at a truck stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana USA.

Anyone who has followed Tony’s story has experienced both its’ highs and lows. Hard fought victories in court by the Animal Legal Defense Fund found the permit issued by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries was illegal and revoked; LDWF was blocked from issuing a new permit.

Each victory was met with an appeal by Tony’s owner, Michael Sandlin, and subsequently each appeal was denied. A timeline of Tony’s case can be viewed at this link: http://aldf.org/cases-campaigns/timelines/tony-the-tiger/ After exhausting all of his options via the courts, Mr. Sandlin enlisted his state Senator, Rick Ward, to propose a bill, SB 250, to exempt himself from Louisiana state law banning private ownership of big cats. The legislation was passed by the Louisiana Legislature and signed by Gov. Bobby Jindal. The Animal Legal Defense Fund continues their legal battle for Tony’s release to a reputable big cat sanctuary.

Tony’s change.org petition asking the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to enforce the 2006 law banning private ownership of big cats remains open and is nearing 52,000 signatures. Please sign – it is open to everyone.

TAKE ACTION: https://www.change.org/p/ldwf-enforce-louisiana-state-law-amp-ensure-tony-the-tiger-is-released-to-a-reputable-sanctuary There are an estimated 10,000 or more captive big cats living across the U.S. They’€™re housed in backyards, deplorable roadside zoos, and other facilities ill-equipped to care for these wild animals. On September 17, 2015 Representatives Walter Jones (R-NC) and Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) introduced the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 3546) in the US House. The bill, if enacted, will prohibit private ownership of big cats in the US and help to end the national big cats in captivity crisis. We’re asking United States residents to contact their representative for their support at the following link.

TAKE ACTION: https://secure3.convio.net/bfusa/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=1045 Our vision for Tony is his release to a sanctuary where he will have a home that provides expert care, a natural, spacious, safe habitat, and where he will swim, run, play and engage in a tiger’s natural behaviors — finally rid of the noise, smells and his 15 year incarceration at his truck stop “prison.” Keeping Tony’s story networked is so important. Please check out his social media links and give him a”LIKE” & “FOLLOW” ~ NEVER STOP ROARING! Join Tony’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/FreeTonyTheTiger Free Tony The Tiger On WordPress: https://freetonythetiger.wordpress.com/ Tony’s Story: https://freetonythetiger.wordpress.com/tonys-story/ Follow Tony on Instagram: https://instagram.com/tonythetruckstoptiger/ (@TonyTheTruckstopTiger) Follow Tony On Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/FreeTonyTiger (@FreeTonyTiger) http://twitter.com/#!/TonyTiger2000 (@TonyTiger2000) Tony On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeTonyTheTiger

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