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Seventh Zanzibar Rabies Vaccination and Awareness Raising Campaign 2015

7th Zanzibar Rebies Vaccination and Awareness Raising Campaign: 

7th Zanzibar Rabies Vaccination and Awareness Raising Campaign is campaign which aiming to raise awareness to local community on rabies disease which cause so many problem o local communities including dog bites to human and several companion animals.

Objectives of the campaign were:-

  • To vaccinate 350 dogs and 50 cats against rabies to make total of 400 animals in Northern A District in Northern Region of Unguja Island.
  • To raise awareness to 1000 local communities during vaccination activities in Northern A District in Northern Region of Unguja Island through care guide distribution, rabies leaflet,  how to avoid dog bite leaflet and through radio programme. 

Outcomes of the Campaign:

  • More than 1000 local communities reached during rabies vaccination activities,
  • 433 dogs and 6 cats were vaccinated against rabies, de-wormed, tick, and some of the are treated against wounds  from two different villages namely Chaani Kubwa Village and Kinyasini Village in Northern A District from Northern Region of Unguja Island,
  • First draft of dog owners and their location is prepared from the list of all
  • dog owner registration before vaccination activities with their contact detail,
  • The relationship between dog owner and our organization officers and staff is increased but also between our organization and District Authority also increased.
  • During the vaccination activities, we found some issue which required our attention, some dog owners they seem to lack knowledge on how to handle their dogs which can cause problem to dog and themselves. Some dogs found to have infection but their owner they do not handle with care, lesson learned here more education required to dog owners on how they can stay with their dogs in good ways.



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