Skydiving for World Animal Day
FOR most people, getting in a plane and flying more than 4km up in the air to jump out is frightening.
But not for 80-year-old Ballajura resident Betty Verrall, who will skydive on World Animal Day, October 4, to raise money for RSPCA WA in Malaga.
Ms Verral, an animal lover and advocate who has volunteered at the RSPCA for more than 10 years, said she had no fear and looked forward to the euphoria of jumping out of the plane.
“It will be like all your worries have lifted, everything’s gone and you just float – beautiful,” she said.
“I’ll have a wonderful time.”
The mother-of-two said the cause was important and close to her heart, having grown up on a farm riding horses and spending her spare time catching mice.
Ms Verral, who has three cats, said the cat-breeding problem angered her because people did not take responsibility for their animals to control the population.
“If something eats and drinks and feels, you’d think people would understand how it should be treated and cared for,” she said.
“It was in the paper the other day, a man and woman went away and left a dog tied up for two weeks and its condition when the RSPCA went there was so bad, so deteriorated, it needed to be euthanased.
“It makes me angry; it must be selfishness.”
Ms Verral said age was no barrier for people to help animals in need and if she could skydive, younger animal lovers could step out of their comfort zones, face their fears and challenge themselves.
“I support the RSPCA and have done for years because I have a real passion for animals and I get so upset when I hear how they are mistreated,” she said.
“I firmly believe that animals have feelings and the capacity to suffer, and I’ll do anything I can to help the RSPCA to help them.”
RSPCA WA’s tandem skydive will be held in Rockingham, with an entry cost for participants and a minimum fundraising goal of $6000 per entrant.
For details, visit www.rspcawa.asn.au.
Orginal article http://www.communitynews.com.au/news/Skydiving-for-World-Animal-Day/7675743
- Contact Email: rspca@rspcawa.asn.au
- Location: Malaga
- Organised by: RSPCA