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Spay and neuter clinic

Spay and neuter clinic

On October 8th SASY (Stop Animal Suffering – Yes!) will be organizing a massive low cost spay and neuter clinic in a very low income neighborhood which suffers from cat and dog overpopulation and a host of animal welfare issues. The vet will be spaying and neutering up to 80 animals on that day, and we won’t be turning any animal away regardless of the owner being able to contribute towards the surgery or not. We will also be giving out cat and dog food, trimming nails, deworming animals and treating a host of other illnesses or health problems the animals might have. The owners will go home with antibiotics and medication for their pets to be administered after the surgeries.

This neighborhood is plagued with violence, animal abuse and serious cruelty towards animals. The clinic helps end the cycle of overpopulation and also teaches owners and members of the community on the importance of spaying and neutering. It is a wonderful positive experience and I’m proud to be organizing this event for World Animal Day. Offering low cost or no cost spaying/neutering to this area is crucial to help stop future unwanted litters from being born to a life of suffering and cruelty.

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