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Tamil Storytelling: It is not Fiction but real jungle stories! World Animal Day special! By ACRES & NLB

Tamil Storytelling: கட்டுக்கதையல்ல காட்டுக்கதை!

It’s not Fiction but real jungle stories! By ACRES

World Animal Day special!


9 October 2022, Sunday

3pm to 3.30pm

Choa Chu Kang Public Library,

Programme Zone 1 & 2, Level 4

Singapore 689812




விலங்குகள் மீது பாசம் உண்டா? வாங்க, வந்து கதை கேளுங்க!

வாழ்க்கை கதைன்னா அது மனுஷங்க கதை மட்டும்தானா விலங்குகளுக்கும் இருக்கும்ல…கேளுங்க..ஒவ்வொண்ணும் உண்மை கதை….மாயம் மந்திரம் ஜாலம் எதுவுமில்லாத நம் சிங்கப்பூரில் நடந்த உண்மை கதை/ சம்பவங்கள், மற்றும் மீட்புப் பணிகளை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டது.

Do you love Animals? Come & hear Singapore’s real life wildlife stories & animal rescues!

Join and listen to real life wildlife and animal rescue stories in Singapore. Based on true events and actual rescues which took place in Singapore, these stories will open up your world to understanding and learning more about Singapore’s animals and habitats. 

Register at https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/tamil-storytelling-by-acres-tickets-427059324937


Organisations details:

About NLB:

National Library Board

The National Library Board (NLB) nurtures Readers for Life, Learning Communities and a Knowledgeable Nation by promoting reading, learning and history through our network of 28 libraries across Singapore, the National Library and the National Archives of Singapore.

Our libraries and archives promote reading, learning, information literacy and an interest in Singapore’s history and heritage. We reach more than 6 in 10 residents in Singapore through our services, programmes and spaces.


Readers for Life, Learning Communities, Knowledgeable Nation


We make knowledge come alive, spark imagination and create possibilities

Established in 1995

Our libraries and archives promote reading, learning, information literacy, and a greater appreciation of Singapore’s history and heritage.

More than 1.7 million digital resources

Our digital resources consist of eBooks, audiobooks and a plethora of online resources in NLB’s collection.

11.5 million visitors annually

Our visitors borrow more than 37.9 million library materials annually. Our 15,000 programmes drew 1.4 million participants.

Website: https://www.nlb.gov.sg/main/home

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nlbsingapore

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nationallibrarysg/


About ACRES:

The ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre (AWRC)

The ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre (AWRC) is Singapore’s first facility dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals rescued from the illegal wildlife trade and injured native wild animals.

The AWRC was officially opened on the 13th August 2009 by Dr. Lim Wee Kiak, Member of Parliament for Sembawang GRC.

The AWRC plays a vital role in ending the illegal wildlife trade in Singapore and the region both through its rescue efforts, and also by serving as a centre for education on this important issue.

The inspiration behind the AWRC

The AWRC story began with one little monkey who was a long way from home. A monkey named Blue.

In 2003, following a tip-off, ACRES found Blue- a scared, lonely vervet monkey, chained up in a cage at a factory in Tuas- a long way from his native Africa.

After his confiscation, we were shocked when we realised there was nowhere in Singapore for him to go- he even ended up coming home with us for a couple of days! Determined that Blue would have a second chance at life, we arranged a new home for him at the Munda Wanga sanctuary in Zambia, and sent him home in 2004.

The need for a wildlife rescue centre

The illegal wildlife trade is pushing the world’s wild animals to extinction. Animals are being captured from the wild for not only their body parts – to be used in traditional medicine preparations and for decorative items – but increasingly to supply man’s booming demand for ‘exotic’ pets.

The long road to opening the AWRC

The long journey to setting up the ACRES Wildlife Rescue Centre has had more twists and turns than we could ever have imagined, and has taken a lot of time, effort, perseverance and faith!

Wildlife rescue

The AWRC currently admits reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals based on the space and capacity available at the time of admission. Native birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals are often rescued and housed for rehabilitation and recovery before release back to the wild.

Animals housed currently include snakes, tortoises, turtles, lizards, birds and small mammals. As far as possible, animals rescued from the illegal wildlife trade will be repatriated to their country of origin.


A range of Educational Programmes are offered at the on-site Lee Foundation Education Centre, where visitors can learn about the wildlife trade as well as a whole host of other animal protection issues. Additionally, the Outdoor Conservation Classroom lets visitors explore the exciting world of Singapore’s native wildlife and learn how to protect our precious remaining wild animals.

The illegal wildlife trade, and all the other problems which involve animal suffering, generally continue because of lack of public awareness. That’s why the AWRC has also been designed to be a centre for Education- it’s most important role.

Our wonderful volunteers!

The setting up of the AWRC has been a real labour of love, with people from all walks of life coming together to make the dream a reality.

Many hours have been spent painting, constructing, sorting, gardening, cleaning and setting up by dedicated volunteers, united in their desire to make a difference for animals. The AWRC would not be here if not for them!

Thank you to our generous donors

Of course setting up a rescue centre costs money too, and the project would not have been possible without the generous donations of so many ACRES supporters, the incredible fundraising efforts by so many individuals, especially the youths, and the kindness of everyone who has dropped a donation into our donation tins.

Website: https://acres.org.sg/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ACRESasia/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eyesofacres/?igshid=10h3rrjqvj736



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