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The exhibition “About animals and people” at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade

The exhibition “About animals and people” will be opened at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade on October 4 at 6 pm by authors: Željka Petrović Osmak, Tea Rittig Šiško, Gordana Viljetić, guests of the Ethnographic Museum from Zagreb.

The exhibition “About animals and humans” depicts the relationship between humans and animals in various aspects throughout history and points to the ethical, ecological and social consequences of the present forms of coexistence on Earth. Due to the complexity and the number of interactions between humans and animals, the exhibition is divided into several parts (animal exploitation, mythical-religious context and the meaning of some animals in folk beliefs and customs, the symbolic meaning of animals in Croatian art folklore, pets, ethical aspects of human and animal relations ). Within each segment, we explore a certain aspect of the relationship through selected themes of the presentation of the material from the Ethnographic Museum.


U Etnografskom muzeju u Beogradu 4. oktobra u 18 časova otvara se izložba “O životinjama i ljudima”, autora: Željka Petrović Osmak, Tea Rittig Šiško, Gordana Viljetić, gostovaje Etnografskog muzeja iz Zagreba. Izložba “O životinjama i ljudima” prikazuje odnos ljudi i životinja u različitim aspektima tokom istorije i ukazuje na etičke, ekološke i socijalne posledice sadašnjih oblika suživota na Zemlji. Zbog složenosti i brojnosti interakcija ljudi i životinja, izložba je podeljena u nekoliko celina (eksploatacija životinja, mitsko-religijski kontekst i značenje nekih životinja u narodnim verovanjima i običajima, simboličko značenje životinja u hrvatskom likovnom folkloru, kućni ljubimci, etički aspekti odnosa ljudi i životinja). Unutar svake celine istražujemo određeni aspekt odnosa kroz odabrane teme predstavljenje građom iz Etnografskog muzeja.

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