Wezda Sterilization/Rabies Vaccination Campaign
Thanks to the generosity of Kaye Nicholson from Australia, Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe is planning to hold a joint celebration of World Animal Day and World Rabies Day at Imire in Wedza. This will be the second year that we’ve held an event to help eliminate the chance of rabies to both humans and animals, as well as improving the lives of dogs through the benefits of sterilization.
- Contact Name: Melanie Hood
- Contact Number: 26378413528
- Contact Email: vawz@yoafrica.com
- Location: Harare
- Organised by: Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe
We are delighted to report that 33 dogs were sterilized and another 360 vaccinated against rabies. The event is aimed at owners and their animals from surrounding communities. A number of previously sterilized dogs were brought for vaccinating – the stand-out difference in their condition speaks volumes. Walk-in patients were also treated – the most notable a dog which had been gored by a wild dog sustaining terrible injuries to his hind leg, and a female dog who suffered internal bleeing after being attached by other dogs.
VAWZS thanks the Travers family, staff and volunteers at Imire for their part in ensuring the success of the campaign, also to the Veterinary Department personnel – Mrs Mbedzi and Messers Mukuviri, Zuze and Zvorwadza for their assistance at the vaccination sites. To our Vets Whisper, Caro and Kenny, and Livison and Violet- thank you for a job well done, an amazing team. And to Kaye – our sincere thanks for making this all possible.