World Animal Day 2020 – Awards Serbia – Priznanja ambasadora Svetskog Dana Životinja u Srbiji
We would like to inform you about the upcoming celebration of World Animal Day in our country, as well as about the awards that have been traditionally given to prominent individuals and institutions for the fourth year in a row that show great interest and commitment to promoting animal welfare and protection in our country.
The awards will be given this year to the Petface internet portal, which publishes the most important information concerning animals, especially publications related to the protection and adoption of pets, as well as Pet Magazine, which also deals with the topic of pets, promotes their welfare and protection and educates and informs the general population through the print edition of the magazine called “Dog” and “Cat”.
Due to specific epidemiological measures, this year’s celebration will be harmonized with this situation and focused on the media and social networks, as well as on the joint action of numerous activists around the country and the world and the need to raise the level of protection of their well-being.
Every year, we try to draw special attention to a certain area of animal protection, and this year it is the animals that help us – the people, even in this difficult situation. There are primarily hero dogs, but also in other animals that, together with humans, work almost unmistakably to recognize and diagnose serious diseases, but also the presence of the COVID 19 virus.
Their work on detecting such diseases has saved tens of thousands of lives so far, and their engagement in detecting narcotics, unexploded ordnance, and other threats we are exposed to is not negligible, and thanks to their assistance and help and detection of these dangers we can react and prevent disastrous consequences. In addition to acknowledging everything they do for us, they all certainly deserve much more respect and care that we-the people, should show them.
Ivan Kurajov
Ambassador of the World Animal Day for Serbia
Ovim putem želimo da vas obavestimo o predstojećem obeležavanju Svetskog dana životinja u našoj zemlji, kao i o priznanjima koje se već četvrtu godinu za redom tradicionalno dodeljuju istaknutim pojedincima i institucijama koje pokazuju izuzetno interesovanje i zalaganje za promociju dobrobiti i zaštite životinja u našoj zemlji.
Priznanja će ove godine dobiti internet portal Petface koji prenosi najvažnije informacije koje se tiču životinja, a naročito objave koje se tiču zaštite i udomljavanja kućnih ljubimaca, kao i magazin Pet Magazine, koji se takođe bavi temom kućnih ljubimaca, promoviše njihovu dobrobit i zaštitu i edukuje i informiše širu populaciju kroz štampano izdanje magazina pod nazivom “Pas” i “Mačka”.
Svetski dan zaštite životinja obeležava se 4. oktobra još od 1931. godine. Počelo je u Firenci na konvenciji ekologa. U to vreme ovaj dan se proslavljao kao dan sv. Franje Asiškog, sveca zaštitnika životinja i životne sredine. Vremenom je izgubio svoje versko obeležje i odavno predstavlja praznik svih ljubitelja i zaštitnika životinja bez obzira na veru i naciju. Ovog dana sve organizacije za zaštitu životinja i svi azili za životinje u svetu otvaraju svoja vrata za posetioce, organizuju informativno-edukativne štandove, radionice, razne vrste edukacija, grupna druženja, prikupljanje donacija i razne druge aktivnosti. Mreža Svetskog dana životinja okuplja sve organizacije koje proslavljaju ovaj dan, a sve radi što bolje i efikasnije zaštite životinja i promocije njihove dobrobiti.
Proslava će ove godine usled specifičnih epidemioloških mera biti usklađena sa ovakvom situacijom i usmerena na medijski prostor i socijalne mreže, kao i na zajedničku akciju brojnih aktivista širom zemlje i sveta i potrebi da se nivo zaštite njihove dobrobiti podigne na viši nivo, koje one svakako zaslužuju. Svake godine nastojimo da skrenemo posebnu pažnju na određenu oblast zaštite životinja, a ove godine to su životinje koje i u ovoj teškoj situaciji pomažu nama -ljudima. Tu su pre svega psi heroji, ali u druge životinje koje zajedno sa ljudima skoro nepogrešivo rade na prepoznavanju i dijagnostifikovanju teških bolesti ali i prisustvo virusa COVID 19.
Njihovim radom na otkrivanju ovakvih bolesti do sada je spašeno desetine hiljada života, a nije zanemarljiv ni njihov angažman na otkrivanju narkotika, neeksplodiranih mina i drugih pretnji kojima smo izloženi i zahvaljujući upravo njihovoj asistenciji i pomoći i detekciji ovih opasnosti možemo na vreme da reagujemo i sprečimo pogubne posledice. Pored priznanja za sve što rade za nas svi oni svakako zaslužuju i mnogo više poštovanja i brige koju treba da im ukažemo mi- ljudi.
Ivan Kurajov
Ambasador Svetskog Dana Životinja za Srbiju
- Contact Name: Ivan Kurajov
- Contact Email:
- Location: Belgrade
- Organised by: WAD Serbia
We would like to inform you about the upcoming celebration of World Animal Day in our country, as well as about the awards that have been traditionally given to prominent individuals and institutions for the fourth year in a row that show great interest and commitment to promoting animal welfare and protection in our country.
The awards will be given this year to the Petface internet portal, which publishes the most important information concerning animals, especially publications related to the protection and adoption of pets, as well as Pet Magazine, which also deals with the topic of pets, promotes their welfare and protection and educates and informs the general population through the print edition of the magazine called “Dog” and “Cat”.
Due to specific epidemiological measures, this year’s celebration will be harmonized with this situation and focused on the media and social networks, as well as on the joint action of numerous activists around the country and the world and the need to raise the level of protection of their well-being.
Every year, we try to draw special attention to a certain area of animal protection, and this year it is the animals that help us – the people, even in this difficult situation. There are primarily hero dogs, but also in other animals that, together with humans, work almost unmistakably to recognize and diagnose serious diseases, but also the presence of the COVID 19 virus. Their work on detecting such diseases has saved tens of thousands of lives so far, and their engagement in detecting narcotics, unexploded ordnance, and other threats we are exposed to is not negligible, and thanks to their assistance and help and detection of these dangers we can react and prevent disastrous consequences.
In addition to acknowledging everything they do for us, they all certainly deserve much more respect and care that we-the people, should show them.
Ivan Kurajov
Ambassador of the World Animal Day for Serbia