Cochabamba, Bolivia, celebrates World Animal Day
World Animal Day will be celebrated in Cochabamba, Bolivia, with a wonderful mass which grows bigger every year.
- Contact Name: Carlos Cunha
- Contact Email: carlosfcgcunha@gmail.com
- Organised by: Carlos Cunha
It was wonderful to see how people were preparing from many days before and on the day of the Mass that all joined with Saint Francis of Assisi (Patron Saint of the Animals).
We had the presence of BROTHER CARMELO, who is a puppy that the Franciscans have adopted from the street and now they put for the WORLD ANIMAL DAY Mass, with a Franciscan cloak. The puppy was with a priest listening to the Mass very quietly.
The photos are really a sign that people’s awareness has grown with their little animals.
Much happiness, much love was felt, thanks to WAD.
On the other hand, the Priest who says the Mass, Father – Tata Bazán – spoke very well about the care of ALL ANIMALS, he asked God with great fervor for those who have no home, for the wild, and for those who are in danger of extinction.
When we left, people spoke to me and I emphasized the care, love and respect of those we have at home, THE HALT OF PET and WILD ANIMALS traffic, and above all, the care for those who suffer in the streets because they have no home.
Tata Bazán gave us the opportunity to bring animals on Sundays to Mass, to make Adoptions. Very beautiful!
There was a puppy that was injured and cared for by people with very scarce resources, but they could not afford to cure it. Tata Bazán asked for a Godmother to carry out and take care of her healing, and thank God a lady offered to be the puppy’s Godmother to make him heal.
All in all, it was another remarkable World Animal Day celebration, in Cochabamba, Bolivia.