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World Animal Day celebration in Kurdistan Region

On 4 October 2012 Kurdistan organization for animal rights Protection (KOARP) in cooperation with the Veterinary Directorate in Duhok Province, General Directorate of Agriculture, and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry celebrated World Animal Day 2012.

The event included an opening ceremony by Dr Hameed Bavii, a member of the Iraqi Parliament, to launch a project to develop the Merez (Marino) Kurdish goat in the faculty of agriculture and forestry.  This project was sponsored by the governor of Duhok and is expected to raise 200 head of goats to be distributed to selected animal breeders. 

Many important people within local authorities and government attended the opening ceremoney which was followed by seminars.  One presented by Dr.Sulaiman T.Saeed to discuss the new project, another to discuss new research on the Kurdish goat presented by Prof. Jallal Al-Qass, and a third on characteristic features of the angora goat presented by Dr Ronak Shaber. 

These activities took place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and were attended by members of the local media, NGOs, local authorities, veterinarians, and farmers.

Finally, the participants chose to protect the Kurdish Horse from extinction as as our project for 2013. 

Dr.Sulaiman T. Saeed
World Animal Day Ambassador in Kurdistan 

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