World Animal Day contest
World Animal Day Canada Event
Check more at WAD Canada Events 2020
This year we are having a Wildlife Art Contest. This contest is open to all wildlife artists as well animal lovers worldwide!
From October 4 to December 31, 2020
We accept submissions of paintings, photographs and wildlife art made with recycled materials
The items can measure from 20 to 40 cms wide, 20 to 40 cms tall and for art made of recycled materials, no more than 15 cms wide.
This is a contest for the general public.
The paintings, photographs or anything other art materials can be send by regular mail (NOT COURIER please) to:
16021, 617 Belmont Street, New Westminster BC, V3M-6W6 Canada
Photographs can be send by email to: intaid4animals@gmail.com
All art submitted will become property of CATCA EWS or/and IAFAF
The winning pieces will be used in our campaigns and projects to create awareness and educate about animal conservation worldwide.
- Contact Name: CATCA EWS / IAFAF
- Contact Email: intaid4animals@gmail.com
- Location: New Westminster
- Organised by: Ericka Ceballos